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How do I get a trade license in Dubai

How do I get a trade license in Dubai

How do I get a trade license in Dubai ?

Foreign investors starting any kind of business in Dubai should pay attention to the requirements of the Companies Law which stipulates all the steps that one must complete in order to set up and operate a company. One should also pay attention to the business license they need to operate, as this reflects the operations carried out by the company.

What is a Dubai Trade License?

Obtaining a trade license is probably the most important part after setting up a company in Dubai. A The most commonly used type of commercial permit is the trade license, which specifies most of the activities that can be carried out throughout the UAE. Trade license
issued by the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai. This work permit can be used for the following activities:
Importing and exporting goods, and is usually required by trading companies registered in Dubai.
. To carry out various types of business activities, such as selling goods and services in Dubai.
. The general trade license can also be obtained by companies registered in the free zones in Dubai.The trade license can also be obtained by professionals who provide services in a specific industry.

How to get a trade license in Dubai?

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